With a joint honours in Dance and History, a Master of Arts in Dance and Qualified Teacher Status, Charlotte aims to make her dance work interesting, inspiring, accessible and fun.

She graduated from University of Surrey with a degree in Dance and History in 1998 and completed a certificate in acting from RADA in 2002. She qualified as a teacher in 2006 and has taught both History and Performing Arts in secondary schools. She was Head of Drama and Performing Arts in two schools. She has devised schemes of work and delivered workshops from KS1-5 and at Universities and she has consulted and choreographed in countless individual projects for stage and screen.

She has worked extensively in education, site-specific heritage theatre as both performer and choreographer, reconstructing original choreographies from the 15th-20th centuries and producing her own work in the style of a particular period using practice-as-research.

She lives in beautiful Devon but does travel so get in contact should you want a Ragtime Turkey Trot and Charleston,  Medieval moves, Shakespearean shimmy’s or Georgian galloping!

3 thoughts on “CHARLOTTE EWART

  1. Really lovely work – I saw your dancing at Ightem Mote and was utterly delighted. Look forward to catching your work in the future.

  2. Thank you for coming to our school and giving the children such an incredible experience. We all had a wonderful day! Please come back soon!

    Heather Beeby, Lancing Prep at Worthing

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